Sara had been asked by some organization to describe the effect of the horse riding on the kids. We were brainstorming on how to describe the impact and it was so hard to get beyond “it is something fun for the kids”. This explanation sounds trivial, but it’s not when you consider that there is nothing joyful about the mud huts they live in or about eating one meal a day, when there is a meal.
It was wonderful to see the kids do something beyond the confines of their home and the daycare. It was also great to see them experience animals as enjoyable companions, not stray dogs that must be chased away. At first all the kids were apprehensive and sported some very long faces. Their eyes slowly lit up as we strapped the helmets on and lifted them on to the horses. When we left Jen asked if they had liked it. What did she get? “I want to go again.” “Can we go again?”
The most wonderful part of the day occurred while we were waiting to get picked up. The kombe had to take all the kids home from the daycare (which takes 3 trips) before it could get us. Suddenly one of the lodge’s staff came up to take us on a boat ride. A man who was at the restaurant had spotted our group and arranged for a boat ride, snacks, and drinks for everyone. Just out of the blue he decided to take us and I don’t think he had realized how special it was for these kids.
A boat ride on the river at dusk is a treat for anyone. The water lilies and reeds shined in the setting sun, but not nearly as much as the kids faces. They sat with juice in their laps and eyes the size of saucers, unable to fully take in the experience. I couldn’t help but wonder if they would ever get to go on a boat again.
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